red light problem? It doesn't matter whether you a seasoned gamer or
someone looking to start gaming, chance are you are well aware of the Red
Ring of Death. Identified by the appearance of the dreaded x box 3 red
light warning on the console and the sudden system failure, this error has
been found to plague more than half of the Xbox 360 consoles sold to
consumers around the world. A system with well known and established flaws
rightfully has potential buyers wary of committing their hard earned money
to a console that has a good chance of being affected by such an error.
Fortunately with the emergence of such an error comes various remedies to
fix the x box 3 red light error, some obviously better than others.
One of the most common, and least recommended, home repair methods is to
wrap your Xbox 360 in a thick towel and leave it on. The towel mthod is
designed to overheat the system, forcing it into an automatic reset.
Overheating the system to any degree is never a good idea and by doing so,
permanent long term damage to your system could result. The temperatures
needed to force your system into performing a hard reset can permanently
destroy your motherboard, along with other important circuitry.
An alternative option, an by far the most recommended, is through the use
of x box 3 red light repair kits, easily available online. These kits have
been proven to resolve the three red light problem on the Xbox 360 without
causing any further damage. Following the step-by-step guides in these
repair kits, many gamers have been able to repair their system in under an
hour. This is often the best method for resolving their red ring of death,
as it has the best success rate and costs you the least amount of money.