วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Print Cards from Anywhere

The internet has made the world a borderless world. What that means is
that you still have the same access to the internet anywhere you are in
the world. For example, even if you are in Asia, you can still access
websites that are based in the United States, and vice-versa. Location is
now not as limiting since the internet can span across continents and
boundaries. And this is true for online greeting cards. You can access
these cards from wherever you are so long as you have internet connection

It's well-known that you can email birthday cards from anywhere. And if
you can email birthday cards, you can also get to print them whatever your
location is. So long as you can access the greeting card site, you can
have a happy birthday card within minutes. So long as you have a printer
available, you can get free birthday cards and free printable birthday
invitations readily available to you. And of course, it's not limited to
just birthdays. You can have the greeting card that you need anytime and
anywhere through printable greeting cards offered online. For example, you
can get free thank you cards just by getting printable thank you cards

Aside from the convenience that these cards offer, this increased
accessibility also fares well for the rest of the world. This is because
areas that have limited choices in cards now have a wider range of options
for their greeting cards. This can be liberating in a way; since you now
have more choices, there's a greater chance of getting the cards that you
want. Aside from that, these online printable free cards are perfect for
the global traveler; one can have access to the same cards from anywhere
in the world.

The internet has truly made our world smaller. Now, it no longer where you
are located, you can still have the same access to things found in the
internet. This not only frees us from the geographical limitations, this
increased access also translates to added convenience for us and our
activities. One good example of this is online greeting cards. Not only
can you send a card online from anywhere, one can also have a printed copy
regardless of location. As long as internet connection and a standard
printer is present, online printable cards are evidence of the borderless
world that the internet has created.

Printable Reward Charts - The 3 Keys For Sure Success

If you have used printable reward charts with your children in the past,
you have probably experienced frustration once or twice. That's because,
while reward charts are a great teaching tool, they are often used too
casually to produce results.

If you would like to see results using printable charts, you'll need to
organize your efforts a bit. The good news is these ideas are not
difficult. Consistency is the real key here.

1. Be clear.

Do your kids know exactly why you are asking them to participate in using
a reward chart? I mean EXACTLY why? Before you fill out one chore or
behavior chart, you need to sit down with yourself and ask what you want
to accomplish using these tools.

* Are you trying to teach a specific chore? For example, how, when and
what to clean? Or getting control of clutter?

* Are you trying to improve your child's organizational habits? Or are you
really trying to improve *your* organizational habits?

* Are you aiming for character development training? Improving a bad
attitude or dealing with non-stop sibling rivalry?

* Do you really need printable homework charts instead of reward charts?

The point here is that until you are crystal clear about what you are
aiming for, you probably are not going to achieve it. Once you get clear
on your goal, explain this to your child. For example, if you tell your
child that he needs to keep his room clean but don't spell that out in
detail, you can be assured that your idea of his room being clean and his
idea are totally different.

So be clear with your expectations, explain them to your child and write
those expectations on the reward charts you use. Now everyone is on the
same page.

2. Be positive.

No one likes to be nagged. In over 27 years of parenting I've never seen
nagging produce lasting results. Momentary ones, yes. But then you must
keep nagging and you will get less and less satisfactory results.

There's got to be a better way and there is.

Keep the whole process positive and matter-of-fact. Use rewards and prizes
to keep people excited and in the game, but remember, ultimately, family
members have to take ownership of the tasks you put on the reward charts
in order to be successful. Nagging keeps you owning the situation. A
positive attitude puts the ball back in your child's court.

"I see by looking at your reward chart that you have two items left to
work on today (or whatever the situation is in your home). Those must be
done by dinnertime; let me know when they are completed." (What if they
won't do their chores? That's called consequences; keep reading.)

No nagging. Remember, your attitude will be picked up by your child. As
the parent, you set the tone in your home. Kids of any age have
difficulties with their attitudes; it's called growing up. Be
straightforward and let your kids know that positive is the tone you want
in your home. Then show them how to do it and practice together.

3. Follow through.

Since you're reading an article about reward charts, you must be
interested in offering your kids a reward or prize for some sort of
behavior modification. That's fine, just make sure you follow through.
Nothing will kill motivation faster in your household than a child
learning that she won't *really* get the reward she was promised for doing
her part.

Likewise, if there are consequences for not getting the tasks completed
you have assigned (and there must be consequences), then those must be
followed through on as well or you have no hope of motivating your child
to change their behavior. All children test their parent's boundaries with
great consistency. This is normal behavior. Likewise, it's normal
parenting behavior to have to enforce the boundaries that have been set.

Obviously, what this really means is that you, as the parent, must give
careful consideration to both rewards and consequences before this process
even starts. Don't overdo or under-do. No trips to Disneyland for a clean
bathroom and no groundings for forgetting to hang up a towel once. Bottom
line is always the Golden Rule. Treat others as you want to be treated.
And enforce those boundaries!

Using printable reward charts can be a 'rewarding' experience in a family
if you remember to use these tools effectively by getting clear on your
expectations, staying positive and following through from start to finish.
Consistency with these three keys will yield tremendous success over the
lifetime of your family.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Where to Buy a Wii

Are you wondering where to buy a Wii? Actually, where to buy the Wii is an
important question and one that has a very simple answer; if you are going
to buy a Wii console, or Wii equipment, your best bet is to do so from the
comfort of your own home and to shop through online distributors. If
wondering where to buy a Wii, there is no doubt that you will discover
online Wii sales, discounts and incentives highly beneficial.

Making a decision on where to buy a Wii should be based on the sensibility
of offers presented. Great prices, convenience, the availability of
necessities: these are the things that can help you decide where to buy
the Wii. Online sellers providing cheap Wii consoles, inexpensive
controllers, affordable gaming and nicely priced accessories are some of
the best places to begin the shopping process. Seek out sellers which
present themselves in a reputable fashion, and uncover the finest deals on
Wii games and gaming equipment possible.

One of the greatest places to search when assessing where to buy the Wii
is at online auctioning sites, where you can discover both new, next to
new and refurbished variations of the Wii console within minutes. What is
more, this site also offers sales associated with different Wii gaming
offers; some of the most popular games include Rock Band, Madden NFl, NBA
gaming, Tiger Wood PGA, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl,
Mario Kart and more. Everything and anything to do with Wii gaming is
located at one destination making your shopping experience simplified. Of
course, this also answers the question as to where to buy the Wii! Why
waste time and fuel driving around to shopt at physical retail stores? You
can get all the things needed for Wii entertainment in one place.

Where to buy a Wii is not really a difficult question to answer. The more
difficult question comes when the consumer has to decide what Wii games he
or she wants to enjoy! This question can be addressed by investing in Wii
bundles which offer up a diverse assortment of games suitable for people
of all ages and equally suitable for small and large families!

To learn more about where to buy a Wii, I recommend you checking out Wii
Console for Sale. It is a specialized Wii for sale site that lists up to
the minute deals on the Wii consoles, Wii Fit and other popular Wii games
and accessories. Be sure to try this website first.

How can I copy Xbox 360 games to my PC?

I'm no surprise if you have an Xbox 360 and you are looking to find some
information to copy it to your PC. Needn't worry at all! Let me strap you
and tell you how exactly you can let it be happen. Well, definitely, the
video games prices are touching the sky these days and one should not want
to invest that much because there are some other options. You can make now
identical copies of your original games. So in the case, if it damaged you
can still enjoy your favorite games?

Legal copying: You can burn and copy the file and you have legal rights
for it to make more copies that you want to keep it for your use. Not too
many people of aware it and if somehow the game CD got crashed. It is not
illegal to burn these copies for your own use.

First trick: If you are aware of burning CD on your Pc then this would be
an easier task for you to burn. Because almost people know how it works,
even if you do not still its okay. You can use software like Nero and much
more to burn the <a
href="http://www.freeonlinegamestoplay.co.uk">Xbox console</a> CD to your

Second trick: Once you receive the Xbox 360 CD, all you have to do is get
a DVD disks. You can purchase it from online stores as well because they
can care your pocket as well. Most of the software is user friendly and
they will be following some easy steps to guide you for a better use.

Third trick: It is very simple task, just load the Xbox 360 into your PC.
Now run the software to burn the Xbox 360 to your DVD. You can see the
image of Xbox 360 games on your PC disk drive. It is somewhat like a
digital signature. Now you can insert the DVD into your PC and it will
back up the entire original data to DVD.


Satisfying Entrees in 30 Minutes or Less #3

Whether you are a busy parent, working person, or just always on the go,
we all need quick meals from time to time. Forget the lunchmeat
sandwiches. You really can cook up a meal in a matter of minutes. Here
are some recipes for you no matter your taste preferences. Try the Crab
Newburg over toast points, ready in minutes. The Chicken, Cheesy Macaroni
is a dressed up version of boxed macaroni and cheese. It is surprisingly
good with the sour cream mixed in. It is also a very economical meal.
Are you a salad person? Then try this recipe for a Super Chef's Salad
with Ham.


1/3 cup butter flavored shortening
1/3 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp paprika
3 cups half-and-half cream
1/4 cup sherry, optional
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 cans (6-oz each) crab meat, rinsed and drained
2 tbsp chopped pimento

In a 2-quart saucepan, melt the shortening. Add bell pepper to melted
shortening; cook, stirring, over medium heat until tender. Stir in flour,
salt, and paprika. Blend in the cream and sherry, if using. Cook,
stirring, over medium heat until mixture thickens; remove from the heat.
Blend a small amount of the hot mixture into the egg yolks. Return to the
hot mixture, stirring to combine well. Add crab meat and pimento. Cook and
stir mixture over low heat until heated through. Serve over toast points.


1 pkg (14-oz) Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese Dinner
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
1/2 cup sour cream

Prepare the macaroni and cheese as directed on package. Add the chicken
and sour cream to the macaroni and cheese. Mix well, heat thoroughly,
adding a tablespoon or two of milk, if needed.


2 large eggs
2 hearts of romaine lettuce (or other lettuce) cut into thick shreds
1 can (1 lb) chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 med cucumber, sliced
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
4-oz fully cooked ham cut into strips
Your favorite salad dressing

Put eggs in a small saucepan with enough water to cover them. Bring to a
boil, lower heat to simmer and simmer for 1 minute. Remove the saucepan
from the heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Drain eggs, rinse with
cold water, and peel. Cut peeled eggs into wedges.

In a large salad bowl, put the romaine lettuce. Top with the chickpeas,
cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, and ham. Add the egg wedges and your favorite


Top Movie Download Sites By Ricky Lim Platinum Quality Author

The concept of downloading movies is not a new one. Fact is, the
technology to stream or download movies has only become viable in the last
year or so with many households adopting broadband or cable connection.

As a result, many movie download sites are popping out all over the
internet. Here are some of the top movie download sites currently
available that are legitimate.

1) Movielink

Movielink is a joint project of MGM studios, Sony Pictures, Paramount
Pictures, Warner Bros and Universal Studios. That's a lot of heavyweight
companies supporting this site.

Currently, the movies are on a pay per view rental basis. That's means you
pay anywhere from 99 cents to $4.99 to watch each movie. It can last for
30 days and it has a pretty wide selection of current hollywood movies.
Currently, it is only available in the US.

2) CinemaNow

CinemaNow is another top movie download site. They have a huge selection
of movies around 1,200 but most of it aren't new hollywood movies. You can
either rent or buy a movie. If you choose to rent, it's available for 24
hours and if you buy, it's available indefinitely in your cinemanow's
digital library. You can even download and burn to dvd for some movies.

I recommend the subscription plan which is $29.95 per month if you watch a
lot of movies since it is more worth while.

3) Vongo

Vongo is a relatively new movie download site. They offer a subscription
plan of $9.99 per month where you can download and watch unlimited movies.
There are premium pay per view movies which cost an additional charge and
available for 24 hours upon payment. It's currently only available in the

There are also many other top movie download sites available but you need
to be careful as not all are legitimate and it is illegal to download
pirated or bootleg movies.

Regardless of which top movie download site you choose, you need to have a
fast broadband connection to be able to watch the movies smoothly. A large
capacity hard disk is recommended if you plan to download the movies.


How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: I Wish I Knew How To Fix Xbox Error E74

Thousands of many avid xbox 360 Players out there are affected by the
dreaded xbox error e74 code. Its really distressing to allow such a
predicament occur to so many xbox 360 gaming Systems out there. Even
though microsoft ought to have taken their time to test for all probable
Problems in their expensive system, I'm confident many buyers would have
not been very pleased to hang around for the release of the new age xbox

After receiving our hard earned gaming Console and plug in hours upon
hours of game play. Followed by boom, it Attacks your system. The xbox
error e74 code has straight away made you an added statistic with the
Thousands of gamers out there. But how did It take place? You've been
treating your xbox 360 as it should be since day 1 like your Soul depended
on it but currently your amongst the statistics and even worse, you can no
longer play your games through your downtime. What cause the glitch is
actually an overheating problem inside your xbox.

What the xbox error e74 is in reality telling is things are getting pretty
darn warm In there. If you are still under warranty, you have the benefit
of sending your Damaged xbox 360 to microsoft only to receive it back 6
weeks afterward. Darn the dreaded xbox error e74. That is a lot of
downtime if you breathe, eat and sleep xbox 360. And If you are
unfortunately not under warranty, this little code can cost you upwards of
$160. That Cash could have clearly been best spent on more video games for
you! So what now? What do you do?

Thousands of many avid xbox 360 Players out there are affected by the
dreaded xbox error e74 code. Its really distressing to allow such a
predicament occur to so many xbox 360 gaming Systems out there. Even
though microsoft ought to have taken their time to test for all probable
Problems in their expensive system, I'm confident many buyers would have
not been very pleased to hang around for the release of the new age xbox

After receiving our hard earned gaming Console and plug in hours upon
hours of game play. Followed by boom, it Attacks your system. The xbox
error e74 code has straight away made you an added statistic with the
Thousands of gamers out there.

But how did It take place? You've been treating your xbox 360 as it should
be since day 1 like your Soul depended on it but currently your amongst
the statistics and even worse, you can no longer play your games through
your downtime. What cause the glitch is actually an overheating problem
inside your xbox. What the xbox error e74 is in reality telling is things
are getting pretty darn warm In there. If you are still under warranty,
you have the benefit of sending your Damaged xbox 360 to microsoft only to
receive it back 6 weeks afterward.

Darn the dreaded xbox error e74. That is a lot of downtime if you breathe,
eat and sleep xbox 360. And If you are unfortunately not under warranty,
this little code can cost you upwards of $160. That Cash could have
clearly been best spent on more video games for you! So what now? What do
you do?

Wow gold---Four totems for the price of one

I have much experience of buying online. I am lazy so I don't have enough
time to go out or farming wow gold. HOHO! See you next time!To buy wow
gold online is safe or not? I don't think anyone can give the exact
answer. Many players are crowd at some game forums and communicate with
other players often to know much about wow gold. Of course there are some
cheats in it. So you should choose a good company and do some research. It
is so important that we should keep our money and account safe.

Totem Talk is WoW.com's column for all things shamanistic, and this week
Matthew Rossi talks about the 3.2 changes and how he forgot to train the
new Totem interface spells, leading to him having to plunk his way through
Ulduar dropping them one at a time like a caveman. Amazingly, there
actually are cavemen shamans in the game.

If there's one thing I absolutely don't miss in Ulduar, it's the Troggs.
I'll admit to being a little surprised that I haven't run into any, but as
far as I'm concerned that's just fine.

So, yeah, this week I forgot to train my new Call of the Elements, Call of
the Ancestors, and Call of the Spirits spells. Since i'd been on the PTR
and knew that I was supposed to train them I find this expecially
hilarious in retrospect, although I didn't find it nearly as funny at the
time. There was some swearing, I won't pretend otherwise. Also, if you're
a leveling shaman make sure to check the trainers as you hit 30, 40 and 50
to make sure you pick them up, as they're terribly useful even for the
soloing shaman. (Depending on mana, you might not want to drop four totems
while soloing/questing, but it's still terribly convenient to be able to
do so with one button and one GCD when things get hairy.)

As a Pet collector, I'm very much appreciative of WarcraftPets.com's
Collector's checklist. As a Mount collector, I've always wanted a similar
list to keep track of my climb to the Dragonhawk. Today, that want is
fulfilled. Mania's Warcraft Mounts now has a collection feature, just in
time for all the new mounts and mount rule changes in Patch 3.2.

Once you sign up for an account, you can list up to 3 characters per a
screen name and start keeping track of which mounts you have and which
mounts you want to have. You can also ignore the mounts you don't want or
can't get. Once you have it all sorted out, you can share your collection
with others if you wish (For example, here's Mania's collection).

The site has always been a pretty handy tool for mount collectors or
people who just want a refresher about what forms of locomotion are out
there, and the collection tool only makes it better. Kudos to Mania, who's
once again come through with a nice little tool for the WoW community.

I love games and wow gold, of course, is the best one I have ever met. But
for several people this isn't sufficiency content. I energy a full-time
job, and act WoW in my thin time…and I conform most of my WoW playing on
learning gold-making techniques. Some players are posting wow gold topics
online on there blogs. They know a lot of tips of how to farm wow gold or
buy wow gold.

The cheapest wow gold online

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What To Watch Out For When Buying World Of Warcraft Accounts

Playing Wow accounts can be an exciting and totally engrossing experience.
As you get into the game a bit, you begin to realize the extent of the
online gaming world available to you. That's about when you realize your
newborn little character is extremely limited in what it can do and what
you can experience when you play World of Warcraft.

Would it surprise you to learn that you can buy World of Warcraft account
online? That's right. There are a variety of companies out there actively
selling strong characters for World of Warcraft gameplay. There's no
longer any need to work those endless hours as a low level player, hoping
to live long enough to get enough experience to level up time and time
again. You can go shopping for your dream character, high power and high
level today!

Many different player characters are available. If you are planning on
spending good money on a character, do a bit of research first. Which side
do you prefer, the Horde of the Alliance? Which character type fits your
playing style? Do you tend to use magic or simply brute force? Do you
enjoy working as part of a team or feel more like the lone wolf character?
All these questions will affect which character you buy for World of

What do you look for when deciding which online WoW account retailer to
choose? Make sure your WoW account retailer has a help line to get your
questions answered. Occasionally snags come up in the ordering process.
Having a live human on the other end of the phone goes a long way towards
helping you resolve your problem.

Does the World of Warcraft account retailer provide a guarantee? It's not
unheard of that someone purchases a nice WoW account, plays for a couple
of months, and then gets the account reclaimed by its original owner. What
a drag! Make sure your retailer has some sort of system in place to buy
wow accounts to avoid this or some sort of guarantee to help you get the
WoW character account you paid for.

And most of all, get what you want. Take the time to carefully choose your
character. This decision will affect your gaming future for many months to

article from : http://www.accountmmo.com

Enjoy the Mouth Watering Chicken & Sausage Choux

Requirements for this dish

a) corn- six ears

b) Chicken thighs- three pounds. It should contain the skin and the
excessive fat should be trimmed off.

c) oil- one tablespoon

d) Hot sausage link – half a pound. The sausages must be sliced into half
inches each.

e) onions- three. The onions must be chopped into small pieces

f) orange- one

g) bell pepper- one. It should be chopped into small pieces

h) Celery rib- one. It should be sliced.

i) Fresh thyme- two sprigs

J) cayenne pepper- half tablespoon.

k) cherry tomatoes-three fourth of a pound

l) Fresh basil- half a cup

m) Crusty bread

Nutrient value of the dish

* Calorie content- 914 kilocalorie
* Carbohydrate contents- 92 grams
* Fiber content- 8 grams
* Fat content: 35 grams
* Protein content: 58 grams
* Sugar content: 17 grams

How to cook this chicken recipe

* Firstly prepare the chicken by removing the kernels and removing all
the juice from the chicken. Even remove off all the cobs. Dry the
chicken and then seasoning should be done with the help of pepper &
* Now heat some oil in a large vessel or pot. The flame should be
high. Heat the oil till it turns brown. Then transfer all the oil in a
plate. Now put the chicken pieces into the plate. Then transfer them
into another plate.
* Now fry the onions in a pan. Fry them till they turn light brown in
color. Now add the bell peppers, thyme, cerely, cayenne & salt. Keep
stirring the mixture. Cook it for around four minutes.
* Now add the corn and even the juices and cook the ingredients for
another two minutes. Now add the tomatoes and the sausages.
* Now add the chicken pieces to the pan and cook till the chicken is
cooked. Serve the dish hot with crusty bread.


Red Wines For Summer

When you think of a bottle of red wine you often think of Christmas or
wintertime. Great with cooked meats and comfort food it is often not seen
as a wine for the summer.

However when you think about the places that produce red wines they are
mainly places which have a lot of sunshine over the summer months. The
people who live in these regions drink red wine all year round – so
perhaps it is time to look at red wine through different eyes and think
about how it can work as a summer drink.

The most obvious place for red wine is the barbecue. A proliferation of
grilled meats make red wine the obvious choice when choosing you barbecue
drinks. Just one thing to remember – if you are choosing highly flavoured
and marinated meats than you need to ensure that the wine you are putting
with you food is also strong flavoured. Look for wines produced by
nations who know how to barbecue and eat a lot of highly flavoured meat.
Australian Shiraz, Chilean cabernet Sauvignon or Argentinean wines will
all work well.

But also red wine can be chilled. Yes you can break the tradition of
having red wine at room temperature and chill it before it is drunk. This
works best with lighter red wines – a merlot will never be good chilled
because its rich flavour needs to be a bit warmed up to taste it at its
best. However there are wines that taste great chilled and this article
will try and give you a few ideas as to which ones taste better for it.

One thing to note is that as you chill red wine, especially those that
have aged in wood, it loses its fruity taste and the tannins get stronger,
so it is best to look for wines with little or no wood aging.

In addition, they should be as young as possible and low in alcohol. The
best ones to chill need to be less than twelve percent. Which means that
you will have to search around a bit to find them. In general the wines
that come from slightly cooler climates tend to be better chilled. Look
for grape varieties such as Pinot Noir, Grenache and Beaujolais.
Beaujolais is an ideal variety for chilling – it is usually served a
little cool so why not go that bit further and leave it a good while in
the fridge.

So why not surprise you friends this summer and serve a barbecue with a
glass of cold red wine – you never know you could start a trend.

Haunted Wicca Money Spell Rings Ideas

Everyone has the desire to own ancient, enchanting, or peculiar haunted
wicca cash spell rings. This stuff are sometimes known as 'fetishes' by
the scientific community, meaning something that is believed to have
spiritual or magical qualities. Every spiritual group in the world has
their own special types of fetishes, whether they need to admit it or not.

From Christianity to Paganism each belief has its own artifacts. And if
entanglement with faiths bothers you there are plenty of non-religious
avenues to follow. Fairies and Djinn/Genies are very popular at the moment
as well as anything owned by gypsies or covens, with groups of anywhere
from dozens to thousands of these magical beings contained inside one
special item.

If you are on the lookout for a place where you can find these kinds of
ancien and magical items, or bizarre haunted wicca money spell rings, I
have come up with some base ideas.

I have purchased masses of these ancient, magical, and weired haunted
items, and I know from my own experience that doing the analysis before
purchasing is the most crucial step for having success with the purchasing

I am using Ebay as a starting point to get your creative juices flowing
and finding some good ideas to begin with. So let's get started.

Weird magical and Haunted Item Number 1:
Haunted Genie Necklace [*CO]'Up for auction is this extremely rare
necklace of aLL powers, this necklace contains all power kinds of Genies
and Spirits, it also Contains one of the most strong genies named Alumn
Jia, he is over 5000 years old.' A 5000-year-old genie? The issue is that
Genies only come with a 4000 year!

Weird enchanting and Haunted Item Number 2 :

Weird enchanting and Haunted Item Number 3:
Authentic Voodoo Doll [*CO]'This is an authentic and original voodoo doll
with black and white pins and instructions acquired in New Orleans at
voodoo shop long before the devastation of Katrina.' I speculate if the
Voodoo Doll looks anything like the head of FEMA?

Haunted Antique Portrait [*CO]'I personally believe something is very
strange about this woman in the black dress on this painting since i have
had it ! So if you get it, and you do have weird stuff, that is then your
problem, as you've been told this might be haunted.' So if it is not
haunted, this is perhaps a waste of cash. If it is haunted, then it
is'your problem'. So it is a classic lose-lose situation.

Weird magical and Haunted Item Number 5:

Haunted demon spook instrument:'Supposedly 'it has brought nothing but bad
luck to the previous owner since he remembers' I've had it roughly a month
now and has been sitting in my storage room since apart from that thats
all I know about it.

I know from my private personal experience that haunting for these special
enchanting and bizarre haunted items that finding these special items is
not an easy task. It can cost you quite some cash to get your favourite
haunted item that you have dreamed about. We usually dream about things
that we want to buy but can not especially afford.

It is merely a matter of understanding how to search for these special
sorts of items. This system shows you the simple way to find these
ancient, enchanting, and haunted wicca cash spell rings. This stuff can
occasionally cost up to $900 but following my system you will find these
special ancient, enchanting, and haunted items that you wish to own for
much less!
So if you are actually serious about finding these special items for much
less just follow the search string for my search system that I have come
up with. I have attached it below inside my bio box.

So let's get started just follow the search string inside my bio box and
hunting for these special enchanting and weird wicca spell items...

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Gormok The Impaler - Learn All About Gormok The Impaler with This World Of Warcraft Guide

is the talk of all the World of Warcraft Forums just now. The good thing
is I did not have to worry about Gormok the Impaler as I have this
membership guide that also gives me access to membership forums that has
helped me through everything.

This membership guide has got me through a lot of the stuff on WoW, Gormok
The Impaler was one such example, and it has been invaluable. It gave me
access to forums, automatic step detection, detailed quest information and
an in-game Talent guide.

I could not have got far without this guide it has been a god send for me.
The amount of detail that it goes into is unbelievable. The other good
thing about this guide is the support forum.

There are thousands of people on their that are more than willing to help
you out if you get stuck even with Gormok The Impaler. This has been a
huge help to me and I don't think I would have enjoyed the game as much if
I didn't have this guide. The way that they got me more gold was great.
There was no cheats, no hacks and no software so there was no way that my
account got banned.

I have been using this guide for a while now and I would be completely
lost without it. So if you are looking for more information or help with
Gormok the Impaler then you also need this guide as it will help you with
Gormok the Impaler very easily.

There is a number of forums that are discussing Gormok The Impaler so if
you are wanting help download this guide Today I guarentee you will not
regret it. Even if the guide is no help to you. It comes with a 60 day
money back guarantee which means if it doesn't help you just let them know
and they will refund your money.

What is the Difference Between the Three Red Flashing Lights and E74 Error?

When an Xbox 360 is hit by three flashing red lights or error E74, its
owner has got pretty much the worst problem that will affect their system.
In order to get the lights to go green again the system will need to be
fixed, so read on for more information about these problems and some
guidelines for how to get your system repaired as soon as possible.

The three flashing red lights error is the most widespread and
longest-lived of the problems that have plagued this system since it was
launch. It is simply down to overheating. This doesn't actually have
anything to do with where your system is stored or how hot your house is.
It is really down to the internal design of the system. Video games have
evolved a lot and require a lot of power to display those advanced
graphics that you have come to know and love. Unfortunately all this power
builds up inside the unit and causes the two main chips, the graphical
processing unit and the central processing unit, to overheat. They then
shut down in an attempt to prevent further damage to the system which is
when the three red lights start flashing.

The E74 error is also very widespread and has become even more so since
Microsoft released the Falcon model of the Xbox 360. This error is also
caused overheating inside the unit, only this time it affects the scaler
chip, the chip that means your graphics are displayed on your TV screen.
However, the result of the overheating is the same - the chip shuts down
to prevent further damage to the system and you get an error message
supported by one red flashing light.

These errors have to be fixed and you have two options when it comes to
getting this done. The way Microsoft prefers is that you get in touch with
their customer service department, ship the system to them and then sit
around for six weeks with no gaming until they send either your repaired
system or a new one back to you.

The alternative is to get hold of an Xbox 360 repair guide and solve the
problem yourself. A repair guide is a collection of texts and videos that
will walk you through the repair process, showing you step by step how to
prevent excess heat from building up inside your unit and solving the
problem permanently.

When buying an Xbox 360 repair guide you should preview the videos to make
sure you can follow them and also make sure that it comes with a full
money back guarantee. With a repair guide that meets these criteria you
should be up and gaming again in no time at all.

Is Your XBox360 In Need Of Repair, But You Don't Know Where To Turn? This
Tried And Trusted Review Site Will Provide You With The Best XBox 360
Repair Guides on How to repair a Xbox 360 Online Today So That You Can
Make An Informed Choice


Who Uses Streaming Video

When considering who uses streaming video, many people may be surprised by
the actual results. This is because almost everyone at one time or
another uses streaming video. We may not realize this at first, but in
many cases this is because we are unfamiliar with what it is that
constitutes streaming video and who offers streaming videos to the public.
Upon clarification of these things, we can see the truth as to who it is
that uses streaming videos. Video is the medium that is being used, much
like other mediums include auditory devices or still images. Streaming is
the method through which the video is being transmitted. By understanding
that streaming is not a medium, we are able to think more concretely about
who uses streaming video and how they are able to do so. Streaming video
is the series of images and sounds that are transported or transmitted
from one source, to another location, from which the viewers will watch in
the hopes of learning something or being entertained.

VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an innovative, multi-point unified
communications, collaboration and conferencing server platform.VMukti core
features provide fourth generation conferencing services with real time
data transaction. It is all about collaborative conferencing engine and
its core features include online Video conferencing, Audio conferencing,
Chat, File search, Whiteboard, File-sharing, Presentation, Remote
monitoring/controlling/sharing, and more..all at use very low Bandwidth

Television stations and channels are almost always offering streaming
video, and this is because they are constantly sending out a signal that
can be picked up by any individuals that are able to tune in to the
station. This means that many of us have been using streaming video long
before the birth of the internet. However, we are more familiar with this
concept as a part of the internet because this is about the time when the
phrase was begun to be used. Still, this does not mean that the
definition does not apply when it comes to sources like the television.

Many people will offer streaming video on their websites because it is
very easy for people to use, and it takes less time than downloading in
most instances. Because of this, many people are drawn to the websites
that offer streaming video clips, simply because of the convenience and
freedom that this method is able to offer the individual. A person does
not need to wait very long in order to view their streaming video, since
all the computer needs to do is connect to the host server and buffer the
video. This usually does not take much time at all. People are able to
enjoy their videos without having to download them and find them somewhere
on their computer. Streaming video also has less of a chance of being
used by individuals as a method to infect computers, which is a problem
with downloading. This means that many people use streaming video to
avoid this problem.

Not only can many individuals use streaming video, but there are a number
of establishments that can benefit from incorporating streaming video into
their websites as well in order to offer something new and fresh to
visitors of the websites. For example, the owners of blogs have begun to
add these things to their websites. Many news sites have been offering
video streaming for quite some time. So, too, have sports websites and
many others who have been able to acknowledge the many benefits that comes
with offering the effective and convenient option of streaming video

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Enjoy the Mouth Watering Chicken & Sausage Choux

Requirements for this dish

a) corn- six ears

b) Chicken thighs- three pounds. It should contain the skin and the
excessive fat should be trimmed off.

c) oil- one tablespoon

d) Hot sausage link – half a pound. The sausages must be sliced into half
inches each.

e) onions- three. The onions must be chopped into small pieces

f) orange- one

g) bell pepper- one. It should be chopped into small pieces

h) Celery rib- one. It should be sliced.

i) Fresh thyme- two sprigs

J) cayenne pepper- half tablespoon.

k) cherry tomatoes-three fourth of a pound

l) Fresh basil- half a cup

m) Crusty bread

Nutrient value of the dish

* Calorie content- 914 kilocalorie
* Carbohydrate contents- 92 grams
* Fiber content- 8 grams
* Fat content: 35 grams
* Protein content: 58 grams
* Sugar content: 17 grams

How to cook this chicken recipe

* Firstly prepare the chicken by removing the kernels and removing all
the juice from the chicken. Even remove off all the cobs. Dry the
chicken and then seasoning should be done with the help of pepper &
* Now heat some oil in a large vessel or pot. The flame should be
high. Heat the oil till it turns brown. Then transfer all the oil in a
plate. Now put the chicken pieces into the plate. Then transfer them
into another plate.
* Now fry the onions in a pan. Fry them till they turn light brown in
color. Now add the bell peppers, thyme, cerely, cayenne & salt. Keep
stirring the mixture. Cook it for around four minutes.
* Now add the corn and even the juices and cook the ingredients for
another two minutes. Now add the tomatoes and the sausages.
* Now add the chicken pieces to the pan and cook till the chicken is
cooked. Serve the dish hot with crusty bread.


Download G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Movie Free Online

Consider for a moment how much it would cost to go see G.I. Joe: The Rise
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you could download G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and over 100 million other
files that you can watch on your computer or burn to DVD.

Not really a hard decision is it? As you read this, millions of savvy
consumers are already reaping the benefits of downloading movies like G.I.
Joe: The Rise of Cobra online. Keep reading and I'll explain how it all
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When you sign up today to download G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, you will
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Below is the simple process that millions around the world are using to
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Repair X box 3 Red Light

What is the X box 3 red light? More importantly how do you fix the x box 3
red light problem? It doesn't matter whether you a seasoned gamer or
someone looking to start gaming, chance are you are well aware of the Red
Ring of Death. Identified by the appearance of the dreaded x box 3 red
light warning on the console and the sudden system failure, this error has
been found to plague more than half of the Xbox 360 consoles sold to
consumers around the world. A system with well known and established flaws
rightfully has potential buyers wary of committing their hard earned money
to a console that has a good chance of being affected by such an error.
Fortunately with the emergence of such an error comes various remedies to
fix the x box 3 red light error, some obviously better than others.

One of the most common, and least recommended, home repair methods is to
wrap your Xbox 360 in a thick towel and leave it on. The towel mthod is
designed to overheat the system, forcing it into an automatic reset.
Overheating the system to any degree is never a good idea and by doing so,
permanent long term damage to your system could result. The temperatures
needed to force your system into performing a hard reset can permanently
destroy your motherboard, along with other important circuitry.

An alternative option, an by far the most recommended, is through the use
of x box 3 red light repair kits, easily available online. These kits have
been proven to resolve the three red light problem on the Xbox 360 without
causing any further damage. Following the step-by-step guides in these
repair kits, many gamers have been able to repair their system in under an
hour. This is often the best method for resolving their red ring of death,
as it has the best success rate and costs you the least amount of money.

Download Nds Games- Completely Virus Free Nds Games Downloads!

Downloading games, movies or songs from the internet has become a trend.
If you're not following the trend, you'll find yourself wasting a lot of

Why do I say so?

First of all, you'll waste a lot of time traveling to the ds game stores.
Secondly, the games you're looking for may not be stocked readily for you,
especially the latest and the few years older ds games. Plus, money might
be another issue to some of you.

Why choose to buy nds games when you can actually download them online?

Basically, there are two different to download nds games you want.
Firstly, it is through unknown websites where you have high potential
downloading viruses and spywares. Another way is to download them from
constantly maintained membership sites.

People often choose to download ds games from free sites because they can
get them without paying a single penny. Well, if you've done that before,
you probably understand that these free sharing sites do not always
provide games you're looking for. The reason is because you can only
download games which are uploaded by people around the world.

Besides, viruses and spywares love free sharing sites a lot because the
downloads and uploads activities are relatively higher than other
websites. The chances of downloading nds games that contain viruses from
these free sites skyrocket because they are not inspected before being
uploaded. There are not fewer than hundreds to thousands of files uploaded
everyday. Do you think they will spend money to hire staff check on these
files when they are allowing to download for free?

Stop looking for free ds games unless you want your email account or
credit card account hacked by spywares. You can actually download nds
games from reliable membership sites!

These membership sites are frequently watched and maintained by a team of
ds gamers who share their games for you. With this way, you can actually
download completely virus free nds games from their sites. And this is not
the only benefit you can get...

Get unlimited nds games download from these membership sites immediately!

The meaning of yoga

As we know, yoga helps us not only keep our body fit but also with the
spiritual growth. The yoga practice brings maturity. It is simple, like
all great things in this planet. People always see the mask that it may be
confused thinking, but it is really great to your body and mind. It is not
mysterious anymore if you practice and enjoy your yoga practice.

Science teaches us that all phenomena of which we care are nothing
mysterious if you have spent a little time to research. So is the yoga.
Yoga means union in Greek. It could be translated as 'tea fight'. If you
are a pious person, you may interpret this explanation as gaseous
vertebrate. Yoga is the union of the subject and the object of
consciousness. Yoga helps you with the union of your body and mind.

Before you study yoga, you should learn something about the principles of
yoga. It is very useful for the average people who want to practice this
body-mind combination that will make him think about the nature of the

Generally speaking, the yoga we practice may have not the results we
always want to have. However, we should keep practicing and learn in your
mind to find the nature of this exercise. Yoga will bring your some
unexpected thoughts and you may find out what you want after you finding
tranquility in yoga practicing. You may find love/hate in the yoga
exercise. Anyway, the yoga will lead you to the final perfection of

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Asian Theme Wedding-Add Beauty and Delicacy in Your Wedding

Every bride dream of their wedding and want delicacy and beauty for their
wedding. It is perfect to have a theme for your wedding if you want your
wedding ceremony perfect and memorable for everyone. Asian theme wedding
is best to make your party unique.

Selecting a right wedding favor is the way to show your love for your
guests who are joining you on your very special day and it is obvious that
they are the most special person of your life. Asian themed wedding is the
right way to thank your guests.

Asian theme wedding favor is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. They
symbolize to share love with your family and friends. It is a very
meaningful wedding favors which make your wedding perfect. You can also
hire a wedding party planner and can discuss your plans and theme with
them. They will arrange everything for you from wedding to your reception

The most important thing of wedding parties is food which you serve to
your guests. Always remember that your food must be great and of high
quality. If you are planning for Asian theme wedding then it is important
to have Asian cuisine for a complete wedding. It is good to hire a wedding
caterer who has the knowledge of Asian dishes. The best Asian chefs use
carbon steel woks. Asian food includes stir fried vegetables, meats and
chow mein. You can be creative with your food so that your guests does not
get bore with the inflow of your food.

If you are arranging for garden party then you can have Asian pink brocade
boxes which can add more flowers and green to the moment. You will find
these boxes in different color, style and shape. You can create a great
and amazing ambiance which can fascinate your guests. You can have lit
candles for all tables it will make the place more beautiful and romantic.
If you are celebrating outside and the atmosphere is warm then you can use
silk hand fans. Silk fans will keep air fresh and will also add a touch of
sophistication. You can also have sandalwood fans it is a perfect idea for
garden party. And they can charm everyone with their lovely scent and

By organizing Asian wedding favor you can make your guests feel more
special. Asian wedding favor can add a unique touch to your wedding
ceremony. It is the best way to say thank you to your guests.

Top 5 Lamb Recipes

Lamb can be one of the most tender meats and is delicious when cooked and
eaten off the bone. Here are some different lamb recipes which afford a
great way to cook and enjoy lamb.

Lamb Curry
Almost everyone enjoys a good curry and lamb is a perfect meat for it.
Lamb can be used to make a mild Rogan Josh or a much hotter Jalfrezi.

Chunky Lamb Stew
This is an ideal lamb recipe for colder nights, or just for when you're
particularly hungry. The advantage of a lamb stew is that once you have
prepared the ingredients it can be left on its own to cook whilst you
entertain your guests, or relax in front of the TV.

Aromatic Lamb
This is one of those lamb recipes that you have to be prepared to wait
for, as for the best flavour you should leave the lamb to marinate for 24
hours with ingredients like pepper, honey and rosemary.

Braised Lamb Casserole
This is another one of those lamb recipes for a cold day. Lamb casserole
needs to simmer for around 90 minutes with all of the ingredients in a
large casserole pot, but it's well worth the wait!

Grilled Lamb Chops
Lamb chops are one of the simplest lamb recipes, yet it is also one of the
tastiest. Lamb chops should generally be served with mint sauce and new
potatoes and make a perfect Sunday lunch.

Braised Lamb Casserole
This is another one of those lamb recipes for a cold day. Lamb casserole
needs to simmer for around 90 minutes with all of the ingredients in a
large casserole pot, but it's well worth the wait!

Grilled Lamb Chops
Lamb chops are one of the simplest lamb recipes, yet it is also one of the
tastiest. Lamb chops should generally be served with mint sauce and new
potatoes and make a perfect Sunday lunch.

Help! How Do I Get a Real Medium Reading Online

Who else is looking for the best psychic mediums online? If you are
anything like most of the people who are reading our articles on the
paranormal and psychic phenomenon, you have unquestionably found yourself
trying to find a psychic medium that you can trust... and one that is
affordable and accessible to boot. It's true... some of the famous psychic
mediums are out of reach for the average persons budget (they can run $500
and UP for an hour) and often, the wait times to even get access to one of
these folks is months down the road.

So how can you get a real psychic reading online without being ripped off
or disappointed?

Honestly? My best advice is to do your due diligence first. Read only REAL
reviews of genuine psychics or trusted networks. There are plenty of
genuine intuitive and mediums who have TRUE skills that rival (or even
surpass) the talents of some of the TV mediums, you simply need to know
how to find them.

Are there any "signs" I can look for to make sure a reader is good ahead
of time?

Yes, I believe so. Look for positive testimonials. Look for people who are
MORE than satisfied with their experience with a reader, or a network of
readers. Look for opportunities to "test" a psychic with a free or
inexpensive reading before you have to invest any real time in getting to
know them.

Remember, most of the really genuine networks offer some sort of "new
client" incentive, as they understand that a big part of the reading, both
for you AND the medium is comfort and connection. If there is none on
either side, quite simply....the experience is going to be a
disappointment for both of you!

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?

Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 How to Fix It

Well, what exactly should you do when your Xbox 360 takes a crap and
croaks on you? What do you do after the initial shocks gone and you're
left to deal with three red lights on Xbox 360? The response? Do not freak
out. Till now, the three red lights on Xbox 360 were a symptom that your
Xbox 360 is terminated and that your video playing days are done with.

That's because of all of the systems known to fix this hardware problem
the three red lights on Xbox 360 signal were useless. You don't wish to
mail your game console to Microsoft, correct? Not considering it costs
upwards of $140, and essentially not when you consider it will be while 8
weeks before it is shipped back to you.

No, that's clearly not the solution to training your console of the three
red lights on Xbox 360. You don't wish to destroy the exterior of your
Microsoft Xbox yourself, do you? When your inside, the typical remedies
require you to pull your soldering set out and perform the task that
probably gifted pros ought to be completing. Your Xbox is a complicated
piece of hardware, after all.

It is not a lawnmower! All this leaves you with are the apologue repairs,
and the urban legends. Wrap your 360 in a towel that will squash the three
red lights on Xbox 360, correct? Get the game console to 40 5 degrees and
put the power supply vertically won't fail to cure the three red lights,
right? These moronic repairs are just as ludicrous as they appear.

And you're still doomed to be stuck with those three red lights on Xbox
360. Unwind, though.

Nowadays there is an easy, fast resolution when you fall into three red
lights on Xbox 360. This fixes coming at last from technical pros who
understand the interior works of the Xbox 360 to a greater degree than
anybody else does. These pros have worked on heaps of Microsoft Xbox's
with those three red lights burning, and each time they have utilized this
simple resolution to get the Microsoft Xbox running again in less than 2

Truthfully, they ensure their method will mend three red lights on Xbox
360 inside two hours!

You can utilise their product with total trust. They offer full client
support, from actual people. They have detailed video recording help
instructions that will steer you thru every step of the straightforward
procedure. This guarantee is worth deliberating again : you will be
playing again on your Xbox 360 in less than two hours.

Those three red lights on Xbox 360 will be a dim memory.

To discover this simple solutionfor yourself, and to return to playing on
your Xbox 360 again in less than two hours, check out the Microsoft Xbox
360 Red Light Fix professional Gamer Repair.

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Top Tips to Choose Better Video Games

By comparing the outlay of the fixture, you would be able to get the best
tough of your picking. You can verify these tips then you would be able to
get the best amusement of certain equipment. The age grouped for which
gives offers and skills. When you hold a tape amusement for superstar
besides then respect his likes and dislikes.

While purchasing the record plucky, one should deem the age of the part
for which you might want to get a record willing. Checking the
authenticity of the mass would help you get the best capture contest. You
should forever exchange with the stow that conducts the transactions from
open servers. If you would grasp these sites, if you want to find the best
video pastime simply. There are different genres of videotape amusement.
There are several supplies which plug capture playoffs of different types.
Video sport open by the stores can also help to prevent any harms while
singing the willing. Video sported can be of different types. One should
prove the film playoffs that matches best with your passions and skills.
There are several reasons for whom, he wants to get the match.

These are intended for different types of players. You should excellent
the genre of the amusement depending on the record games.

Always verify the authenticity of the save when you purchase videotape
contest from the amusement.

Then curb the genre of the tape pastime. If you safeguard the genre of the
capture contest then you will not be able To goods a cassette willing, you
necessity to take attention of your selection. The popularity of the
capture sport has amplified significantly in the online supplies. To get
the greatest entertainment from them. Gamers have ideal This will also be
an excellent scale for gifts. There are several online stores which the
fixture is destined is mentioned on the website. Check the place charily
and know the age group for which the contest is doomed. By some sport.
This willing over other exciting sport. Many educational institutions
tender this amusement to the students due to the educational cost open By
checking the age group, you would be able to find the best resolute at the
cheapest penalty. Never grasp a pastime without glance its skin. People
have passions for different types of games. Check If you are a gamer then
you should goods the cartridge pastime that is best for your rationale.
The top tips of the experts can help you pick the record resolute that he
finds to be the best. If the tape ready that matches with your choices and
discounts on your skills as well as in the topical days.

Video sport was untaken in the food of your place as well as your likings.
If you do not excellent the genre tenderly then you acquire the diversion.

Video games are existing on different sites of the internet. Compare the
worth unfilled by different online stores before you would be able to find
the best fixture of your pick.

Free Conference Call Recording Services

When you host your conference calls, it is very important to use free
conference call recording services to record your important calls. It
helps you record all or a parts of your call and save it.

Because when you are having an important talk in the call, there may be
important information shared that you want to keep as a record for the

So if you miss to record your call, you can never access the valuable
details or ideas shared in the call if you need it one day.

So How Can You Record Your Conference Calls?

The good news is, it is very easy. You don't need any special software or
skills. You simply use a conference call service that provides you with
this feature for free.

There are many top quality, easy to use services on the web that offer you
this important features as a part of their package. Actually most popular
web conference services definitely have this option inside.

So whether you want to host your conference online or using normal
telephone land lines, you can record all or a part of your call using the
feature available in your account.

Just make sure you choose a service provider that offers you this
essential feature: Free Conference Call Recording. Otherwise you won't be
able to record your important calls.

Also ask them about the sound quality of the recordings, and how you can
download them afterwards. Because you want to make sure everything is
great to avoid any unpleasant surprises after you have paid for the

How to Edit Conference Call Recordings

When you record your call, there may be some parts you want to edit or
remove. It is very easy. You simply use a free or paid audio editing
software to edit your call recording.

I personally use Adobe Audition and highly recommend it. But you can also
find other free and cheaper audio editing solutions.

Applebee's Restaurant Recipes - How to Copycat Your Favorite Applebee's Menu Item

Have you ever wanted to make the same delicious food that you enjoy at
Applebees? There may be a way for you to save a lot of money by preparing
the same delicious meal at home. Here are a few ways to try to copycat
your favorite Applebee's restaurant recipe:

1.) You may be able to obtain the recipe from the restaurant by visiting
their website or by asking the waiter for a copy. Some chefs are flattered
that someone would ask for their recipe. You may have already identified
most of the ingredients in the recipe just by taste and appearance. If you
just need to figure out a few unique ingredients, don't be afraid to ask
what they are.

2.) Reverse engineering is another method you could try to reproduce the
restaurant's recipe. Order the dish as carryout, take it home, and analyze
it. You can make a game of trying to identify different ingredients in the
dish by taste. Some people are really good at this, so invite your friends
to help. Once you've identified the basic ingredients, experiment by
trying different combinations of seasonings and cooking methods.

3.) Compare the taste of your experimental dish to the carryout food from
the restaurant until you get it right.
The menu may even give you most of the ingredients in the item's
description. Write down the information on the menu and the answers you
get from the waitress. Take a picture of your plate when the food is
served and try to reproduce it at home.

And here is a copycat version Applebee's Hot Artichoke and Spinach Dip:

Ingredients needed -
* 1 (14 ounce) can of artichoke hearts, drained and coarsely chopped
* 1 (10 ounce) box of frozen chopped spinach, pre-thawed
* 1 cup of shredded parmesan-romano cheese
* 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
* 4 ounces of pre-softened cream cheese
* 10 ounces of pre-made alfredo sauce
* 1 teaspoon of finely minced garlic
* pepper (optional ingredient)


1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

2. Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl, mix well, and spread
the mixture into a small baking dish

3. Bake for approx. 25-30 minutes or until all the cheese is melted

4. Serve with bread

However you reproduce the recipe of your favorite restaurant food, be sure
you write it down so that you can prepare it as often as you like and get
the same results every time you make it. Have fun copying that next
Applebees recipe!

Retrograde Saturn and unfulfilled ambitions

Retrograde Saturn in a chart, regardless of where one finds it, always
represents the neglect of responsibilities in the past or previous life.
With a retrograde Saturn, the native comes into the current life, with a
tendency to carry forward the same goals that he had left unfinished in
the previous life as not fulfilled.

SATURN can be one's benefactor or burden of woe depending completely on
the ways in which a person builds his structure on a firm foundation. The
realization of the goals may be in distant future. It is what one does
towards reaching that reality from the current "situation now" braving
through odds.

Retrograde Saturn in a chart, regardless of where one finds it, always
represents the neglect if responsibilities in the past or previous life.
In many ways it indicates that the native must be more honest with himself
initially, since there was avoidance of self-awareness and honestly. With
a retrograde Saturn, the native comes into the current life, with a
tendency to carry forward the same goals that he had left unfinished in
the previous life as not fulfilled. Therefore the goals will be identical
even in the present, clothed in different garbs and situations. This only
shows that the individual in the previous life-span did not grow to a
crystalised norm. The responsibilities ignored or avoided in the past are
the clear indicators with the quality of Sign in which the Saturn is
posited in retrogression in the current life.

Saturn in retrogression in the Sign Leo shows that the native avoided
responsibility of leadership. Had it been Sign Cancer, the feeling and
those related to mind would have been ignored by the native.

Effects of Saturn's retrogression in various houses:

Ascendant: Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house shows that the individual
did not develop flexibility in the previous life and set his own ways on
the basis of his own ways on the basis of his personal opinion. It may be
borne in mind that even the Sign in which retrograde Saturn is posited has
to have a telling effect on the native. The native will have problems with
ego and thereby the individual would not have developed a good character
and personality. The native will have tendency to be sober, serious and
contemplative. He has to be cautious and develop flexibility to adjust in
different situations.

2nd House: Saturn in retrogression posited in the 2nd house reflects that
the native in the past life was highly materialistic, emphasizing solely
on possession on self-centred attitude having no regard for the material
aspect of others. Despite denials, limitations and disappointment,
retrograde Saturn in the 2nd will enable the native to manage and set side
sizeable earning by way of accumulation. The exertion undergone by the
native would be remarkable.

3rd House: There was undoubtedly an avoidance of responsibility concerning
brothers and sisters. The native's mental attitude would have been
wanting, since he would not have made effort for self-development and
communicating with others. The current life, in all possibility, will be
marked by consistent need on the part of these family members concerning
the 3rd house. The native will accept the responsibility, whether he is
able to execute or not.

4th House: The failure would have been related to mother, education,
residence etc. The native would have neglected or abused human feelings.
Regardless of the effort required, the individual should establish proper
home facilities and create a constructive atmosphere at home and

5th House: in this position, Saturn in retrogression will speak of
ill-will with children and lack of purva-punya bhagya. The native's
natural creative ability would have been impaired by negligence or other
factors. He would have been self-centred. There is a possibility for
denial of children, with a rare chance of limited progeny and that too
such a child can be differently abled. Such a native should cultivate the
habit to be very good to young folks.

6th House: Presence of retrograde Saturn in the 6th will make the native
to shirk responsibility and moreover he would have earned the displeasure
of the public, due to his negligence. He would remain aloof, like a lonely
goat. Selfless service to mankind, without expecting 'pat on the back' for
the job will done, would bring him a positive gain. Patience and
understanding will be added advantage, along with wise use of good health.

7th House: Partnership in matrimony or in business would have gone hay
wire by lack of faith in each other. Carnal and material desire left in
doldrums can force a person to carry forward the retrogression of Saturn
in the 7th in the following birth. To reverse these ill effects in the
current life will definitely be an uphill task, but that is the only
alternative available for the native to negotiate through.

8th House: A neglected pursuit of metaphysical teaching, higher truth
learning, astrology and so forth, and also having gained these, misused
the knowledge would have resulted in Saturn occupying the 8th house in
retrogression affecting the nature of life.

The native will have to make a true search for the truth, adhere
metaphysical principles in daily walk of life, and be a friend in need. He
should lend a helping hand in job sectors. All these will mitigate the
current status of the planet Saturn.

9th House: The philosophy of life had been left in the lurch, while
masquerading in the previous life with scant respect for dharma, leave
alone karma. His dogmatic approach towards religion and philosophy could
have taken the wrath and resulted in religious persecution mounting to
violence and cruelty.

Abuse of any knowledge is detrimental in the current life as well as the
life to follow as per the oft quote 'Janmanthara krutham Papam……'
Therefore the native will have to be on guard and seek true knowledge for
imparting to others with utmost faith in the well being of the fellowmen.

10th House : Saturn in retrogression in the 10th house reveals the
native's approach to the job content and execution, which would be far
from satisfaction, as per the standards of the day. A cold shoulder
approach for job, employer and environment could de-stabilize the set up.
Such a hand in an establishment is like a termite in a timber yard.

The native will have to be extra cautious while executing any job. He has
to take others into confidence; trouble many emanate from the trusted
quarters in any walk of life, particularly in profession or job.

11th House : The house of gain is again an area, where conflict is easy to
spring forth, even from most unexpected quarters. Negation of lawful gains
will bring in wrath. Such natives may have to work overtime with no
emoluments to compensate the shortfall. He may face humiliation at the
hands of superiors.

12th House: Saturn in the 12th is not bad, especially for a person who
live beyond 60. The final departure can be very comfortable and the
retrogression adds to this quality. As the native would not have taken
care of Karma aspect of life of others around, there is possibility of
that being affected in the native's case.

These are characters that opt out of the way to help on humanitarian
grounds, even when others hesitate to go near the site. They even help
scavenge dead carcass for the general welfare.