วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Print Cards from Anywhere

The internet has made the world a borderless world. What that means is
that you still have the same access to the internet anywhere you are in
the world. For example, even if you are in Asia, you can still access
websites that are based in the United States, and vice-versa. Location is
now not as limiting since the internet can span across continents and
boundaries. And this is true for online greeting cards. You can access
these cards from wherever you are so long as you have internet connection

It's well-known that you can email birthday cards from anywhere. And if
you can email birthday cards, you can also get to print them whatever your
location is. So long as you can access the greeting card site, you can
have a happy birthday card within minutes. So long as you have a printer
available, you can get free birthday cards and free printable birthday
invitations readily available to you. And of course, it's not limited to
just birthdays. You can have the greeting card that you need anytime and
anywhere through printable greeting cards offered online. For example, you
can get free thank you cards just by getting printable thank you cards

Aside from the convenience that these cards offer, this increased
accessibility also fares well for the rest of the world. This is because
areas that have limited choices in cards now have a wider range of options
for their greeting cards. This can be liberating in a way; since you now
have more choices, there's a greater chance of getting the cards that you
want. Aside from that, these online printable free cards are perfect for
the global traveler; one can have access to the same cards from anywhere
in the world.

The internet has truly made our world smaller. Now, it no longer where you
are located, you can still have the same access to things found in the
internet. This not only frees us from the geographical limitations, this
increased access also translates to added convenience for us and our
activities. One good example of this is online greeting cards. Not only
can you send a card online from anywhere, one can also have a printed copy
regardless of location. As long as internet connection and a standard
printer is present, online printable cards are evidence of the borderless
world that the internet has created.

Printable Reward Charts - The 3 Keys For Sure Success

If you have used printable reward charts with your children in the past,
you have probably experienced frustration once or twice. That's because,
while reward charts are a great teaching tool, they are often used too
casually to produce results.

If you would like to see results using printable charts, you'll need to
organize your efforts a bit. The good news is these ideas are not
difficult. Consistency is the real key here.

1. Be clear.

Do your kids know exactly why you are asking them to participate in using
a reward chart? I mean EXACTLY why? Before you fill out one chore or
behavior chart, you need to sit down with yourself and ask what you want
to accomplish using these tools.

* Are you trying to teach a specific chore? For example, how, when and
what to clean? Or getting control of clutter?

* Are you trying to improve your child's organizational habits? Or are you
really trying to improve *your* organizational habits?

* Are you aiming for character development training? Improving a bad
attitude or dealing with non-stop sibling rivalry?

* Do you really need printable homework charts instead of reward charts?

The point here is that until you are crystal clear about what you are
aiming for, you probably are not going to achieve it. Once you get clear
on your goal, explain this to your child. For example, if you tell your
child that he needs to keep his room clean but don't spell that out in
detail, you can be assured that your idea of his room being clean and his
idea are totally different.

So be clear with your expectations, explain them to your child and write
those expectations on the reward charts you use. Now everyone is on the
same page.

2. Be positive.

No one likes to be nagged. In over 27 years of parenting I've never seen
nagging produce lasting results. Momentary ones, yes. But then you must
keep nagging and you will get less and less satisfactory results.

There's got to be a better way and there is.

Keep the whole process positive and matter-of-fact. Use rewards and prizes
to keep people excited and in the game, but remember, ultimately, family
members have to take ownership of the tasks you put on the reward charts
in order to be successful. Nagging keeps you owning the situation. A
positive attitude puts the ball back in your child's court.

"I see by looking at your reward chart that you have two items left to
work on today (or whatever the situation is in your home). Those must be
done by dinnertime; let me know when they are completed." (What if they
won't do their chores? That's called consequences; keep reading.)

No nagging. Remember, your attitude will be picked up by your child. As
the parent, you set the tone in your home. Kids of any age have
difficulties with their attitudes; it's called growing up. Be
straightforward and let your kids know that positive is the tone you want
in your home. Then show them how to do it and practice together.

3. Follow through.

Since you're reading an article about reward charts, you must be
interested in offering your kids a reward or prize for some sort of
behavior modification. That's fine, just make sure you follow through.
Nothing will kill motivation faster in your household than a child
learning that she won't *really* get the reward she was promised for doing
her part.

Likewise, if there are consequences for not getting the tasks completed
you have assigned (and there must be consequences), then those must be
followed through on as well or you have no hope of motivating your child
to change their behavior. All children test their parent's boundaries with
great consistency. This is normal behavior. Likewise, it's normal
parenting behavior to have to enforce the boundaries that have been set.

Obviously, what this really means is that you, as the parent, must give
careful consideration to both rewards and consequences before this process
even starts. Don't overdo or under-do. No trips to Disneyland for a clean
bathroom and no groundings for forgetting to hang up a towel once. Bottom
line is always the Golden Rule. Treat others as you want to be treated.
And enforce those boundaries!

Using printable reward charts can be a 'rewarding' experience in a family
if you remember to use these tools effectively by getting clear on your
expectations, staying positive and following through from start to finish.
Consistency with these three keys will yield tremendous success over the
lifetime of your family.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Where to Buy a Wii

Are you wondering where to buy a Wii? Actually, where to buy the Wii is an
important question and one that has a very simple answer; if you are going
to buy a Wii console, or Wii equipment, your best bet is to do so from the
comfort of your own home and to shop through online distributors. If
wondering where to buy a Wii, there is no doubt that you will discover
online Wii sales, discounts and incentives highly beneficial.

Making a decision on where to buy a Wii should be based on the sensibility
of offers presented. Great prices, convenience, the availability of
necessities: these are the things that can help you decide where to buy
the Wii. Online sellers providing cheap Wii consoles, inexpensive
controllers, affordable gaming and nicely priced accessories are some of
the best places to begin the shopping process. Seek out sellers which
present themselves in a reputable fashion, and uncover the finest deals on
Wii games and gaming equipment possible.

One of the greatest places to search when assessing where to buy the Wii
is at online auctioning sites, where you can discover both new, next to
new and refurbished variations of the Wii console within minutes. What is
more, this site also offers sales associated with different Wii gaming
offers; some of the most popular games include Rock Band, Madden NFl, NBA
gaming, Tiger Wood PGA, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers Brawl,
Mario Kart and more. Everything and anything to do with Wii gaming is
located at one destination making your shopping experience simplified. Of
course, this also answers the question as to where to buy the Wii! Why
waste time and fuel driving around to shopt at physical retail stores? You
can get all the things needed for Wii entertainment in one place.

Where to buy a Wii is not really a difficult question to answer. The more
difficult question comes when the consumer has to decide what Wii games he
or she wants to enjoy! This question can be addressed by investing in Wii
bundles which offer up a diverse assortment of games suitable for people
of all ages and equally suitable for small and large families!

To learn more about where to buy a Wii, I recommend you checking out Wii
Console for Sale. It is a specialized Wii for sale site that lists up to
the minute deals on the Wii consoles, Wii Fit and other popular Wii games
and accessories. Be sure to try this website first.

How can I copy Xbox 360 games to my PC?

I'm no surprise if you have an Xbox 360 and you are looking to find some
information to copy it to your PC. Needn't worry at all! Let me strap you
and tell you how exactly you can let it be happen. Well, definitely, the
video games prices are touching the sky these days and one should not want
to invest that much because there are some other options. You can make now
identical copies of your original games. So in the case, if it damaged you
can still enjoy your favorite games?

Legal copying: You can burn and copy the file and you have legal rights
for it to make more copies that you want to keep it for your use. Not too
many people of aware it and if somehow the game CD got crashed. It is not
illegal to burn these copies for your own use.

First trick: If you are aware of burning CD on your Pc then this would be
an easier task for you to burn. Because almost people know how it works,
even if you do not still its okay. You can use software like Nero and much
more to burn the <a
href="http://www.freeonlinegamestoplay.co.uk">Xbox console</a> CD to your

Second trick: Once you receive the Xbox 360 CD, all you have to do is get
a DVD disks. You can purchase it from online stores as well because they
can care your pocket as well. Most of the software is user friendly and
they will be following some easy steps to guide you for a better use.

Third trick: It is very simple task, just load the Xbox 360 into your PC.
Now run the software to burn the Xbox 360 to your DVD. You can see the
image of Xbox 360 games on your PC disk drive. It is somewhat like a
digital signature. Now you can insert the DVD into your PC and it will
back up the entire original data to DVD.


Satisfying Entrees in 30 Minutes or Less #3

Whether you are a busy parent, working person, or just always on the go,
we all need quick meals from time to time. Forget the lunchmeat
sandwiches. You really can cook up a meal in a matter of minutes. Here
are some recipes for you no matter your taste preferences. Try the Crab
Newburg over toast points, ready in minutes. The Chicken, Cheesy Macaroni
is a dressed up version of boxed macaroni and cheese. It is surprisingly
good with the sour cream mixed in. It is also a very economical meal.
Are you a salad person? Then try this recipe for a Super Chef's Salad
with Ham.


1/3 cup butter flavored shortening
1/3 cup chopped green bell pepper
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp paprika
3 cups half-and-half cream
1/4 cup sherry, optional
3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 cans (6-oz each) crab meat, rinsed and drained
2 tbsp chopped pimento

In a 2-quart saucepan, melt the shortening. Add bell pepper to melted
shortening; cook, stirring, over medium heat until tender. Stir in flour,
salt, and paprika. Blend in the cream and sherry, if using. Cook,
stirring, over medium heat until mixture thickens; remove from the heat.
Blend a small amount of the hot mixture into the egg yolks. Return to the
hot mixture, stirring to combine well. Add crab meat and pimento. Cook and
stir mixture over low heat until heated through. Serve over toast points.


1 pkg (14-oz) Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese Dinner
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
1/2 cup sour cream

Prepare the macaroni and cheese as directed on package. Add the chicken
and sour cream to the macaroni and cheese. Mix well, heat thoroughly,
adding a tablespoon or two of milk, if needed.


2 large eggs
2 hearts of romaine lettuce (or other lettuce) cut into thick shreds
1 can (1 lb) chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 med cucumber, sliced
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
4-oz fully cooked ham cut into strips
Your favorite salad dressing

Put eggs in a small saucepan with enough water to cover them. Bring to a
boil, lower heat to simmer and simmer for 1 minute. Remove the saucepan
from the heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Drain eggs, rinse with
cold water, and peel. Cut peeled eggs into wedges.

In a large salad bowl, put the romaine lettuce. Top with the chickpeas,
cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, and ham. Add the egg wedges and your favorite


Top Movie Download Sites By Ricky Lim Platinum Quality Author

The concept of downloading movies is not a new one. Fact is, the
technology to stream or download movies has only become viable in the last
year or so with many households adopting broadband or cable connection.

As a result, many movie download sites are popping out all over the
internet. Here are some of the top movie download sites currently
available that are legitimate.

1) Movielink

Movielink is a joint project of MGM studios, Sony Pictures, Paramount
Pictures, Warner Bros and Universal Studios. That's a lot of heavyweight
companies supporting this site.

Currently, the movies are on a pay per view rental basis. That's means you
pay anywhere from 99 cents to $4.99 to watch each movie. It can last for
30 days and it has a pretty wide selection of current hollywood movies.
Currently, it is only available in the US.

2) CinemaNow

CinemaNow is another top movie download site. They have a huge selection
of movies around 1,200 but most of it aren't new hollywood movies. You can
either rent or buy a movie. If you choose to rent, it's available for 24
hours and if you buy, it's available indefinitely in your cinemanow's
digital library. You can even download and burn to dvd for some movies.

I recommend the subscription plan which is $29.95 per month if you watch a
lot of movies since it is more worth while.

3) Vongo

Vongo is a relatively new movie download site. They offer a subscription
plan of $9.99 per month where you can download and watch unlimited movies.
There are premium pay per view movies which cost an additional charge and
available for 24 hours upon payment. It's currently only available in the

There are also many other top movie download sites available but you need
to be careful as not all are legitimate and it is illegal to download
pirated or bootleg movies.

Regardless of which top movie download site you choose, you need to have a
fast broadband connection to be able to watch the movies smoothly. A large
capacity hard disk is recommended if you plan to download the movies.


How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: I Wish I Knew How To Fix Xbox Error E74

Thousands of many avid xbox 360 Players out there are affected by the
dreaded xbox error e74 code. Its really distressing to allow such a
predicament occur to so many xbox 360 gaming Systems out there. Even
though microsoft ought to have taken their time to test for all probable
Problems in their expensive system, I'm confident many buyers would have
not been very pleased to hang around for the release of the new age xbox

After receiving our hard earned gaming Console and plug in hours upon
hours of game play. Followed by boom, it Attacks your system. The xbox
error e74 code has straight away made you an added statistic with the
Thousands of gamers out there. But how did It take place? You've been
treating your xbox 360 as it should be since day 1 like your Soul depended
on it but currently your amongst the statistics and even worse, you can no
longer play your games through your downtime. What cause the glitch is
actually an overheating problem inside your xbox.

What the xbox error e74 is in reality telling is things are getting pretty
darn warm In there. If you are still under warranty, you have the benefit
of sending your Damaged xbox 360 to microsoft only to receive it back 6
weeks afterward. Darn the dreaded xbox error e74. That is a lot of
downtime if you breathe, eat and sleep xbox 360. And If you are
unfortunately not under warranty, this little code can cost you upwards of
$160. That Cash could have clearly been best spent on more video games for
you! So what now? What do you do?

Thousands of many avid xbox 360 Players out there are affected by the
dreaded xbox error e74 code. Its really distressing to allow such a
predicament occur to so many xbox 360 gaming Systems out there. Even
though microsoft ought to have taken their time to test for all probable
Problems in their expensive system, I'm confident many buyers would have
not been very pleased to hang around for the release of the new age xbox

After receiving our hard earned gaming Console and plug in hours upon
hours of game play. Followed by boom, it Attacks your system. The xbox
error e74 code has straight away made you an added statistic with the
Thousands of gamers out there.

But how did It take place? You've been treating your xbox 360 as it should
be since day 1 like your Soul depended on it but currently your amongst
the statistics and even worse, you can no longer play your games through
your downtime. What cause the glitch is actually an overheating problem
inside your xbox. What the xbox error e74 is in reality telling is things
are getting pretty darn warm In there. If you are still under warranty,
you have the benefit of sending your Damaged xbox 360 to microsoft only to
receive it back 6 weeks afterward.

Darn the dreaded xbox error e74. That is a lot of downtime if you breathe,
eat and sleep xbox 360. And If you are unfortunately not under warranty,
this little code can cost you upwards of $160. That Cash could have
clearly been best spent on more video games for you! So what now? What do
you do?